Older couple happy and hugging

Find a Medicare Plan That Works for You

Answer a few short questions to narrow down your plan options. If you'd like assistance please call us at 1-844-890-0037 (TTY: 711).

  1. Plan availability and pricing depends on your primary residence—your zip code allows us to present plans for which you are eligible.
  2. What type of coverage are you looking for?
    All plans cover expenses like doctor visits and hospital stays, and offer dental coverage options—let us know if you need prescription drug coverage.
  3. Do you regularly take prescription drugs?
    Our plans offer a range of drug coverage options.
    Are your prescription drugs mostly:
  4. How do you rate your overall health?
    How you rate your overall health helps us recommend plans that will provide a good balance between cost and coverage. How you answer this question will not affect the premium of the plans recommended.
  5. Are you currently eligible for or receiving MassHealth Standard (Medicaid)?
    Not sure? MassHealth Standard is type of health coverage offered by the state of Massachusetts to those who qualify. In order to qualify as a single individual, you must have a monthly income of $1,084 or less, and $2,000 or less in countable assets. For a family of two, your combined monthly income must be $1,457 or less, and you cannot have more than $3,000 in countable assets. If you do not meet these requirements select "No" to continue and see other plan options. For more information, click here.