Member Resources: Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options (HMO-SNP)
As a Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options (SCO) plan member, take advantage of all the great benefits, discounts, and services available to you with your plan. Call us toll free 7 Days a Week at 1-844-226-5162 (TTY: 711).
Medicaid Recertification started on April 1, 2023!
April 1, 2023, MassHealth began their standard renewal process for all MassHealth members. You will need to take action to maintain your coverage. For information on the recertification, please use the link below:

Member Basics
Learn how to create your secure, online account, review plan-specific forms and documents, and learn about your Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options benefit information, all using the tools below.

Care Management
Learn how Tufts Health Plan Care Managers can help members, and their caregivers, navigate the health care system.

Provider & Pharmacy Search
Use the tools below to search for a provider, drug, and pharmacy.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Information
Use the tools below to learn more about using your OTC benefit.

Prior Authorization Medical Review Criteria
For all products, when prior authorization is required, Senior Care Options (HMO-SNP) uses written criteria based on sound clinical evidence to evaluate the medical appropriateness of health care services. These criteria are objective and based on current clinical and medical evidence and applied with consideration of individual needs and characteristics (e.g., age, comorbidities, prior treatment and complications), and the availability of services within the local delivery system.
Additional Resources

Discounts & Extras
As a member of the Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options (HMO-SNP) plan, you get discounts and extras designed to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Use the link to learn more.

Forms for SCO Members
Whether you need a reimbursement form, claim form, or Prescription drug form, you’ll find what you need on our Senior Care Options forms page.

Ombudsman Program
"My Ombudsman" is an independent program that helps you, as a member of Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options, to address concerns or conflicts with your enrollment. View the link to the learn more.

Contact Us
We’re here to answer any questions you may have about any part of the process!
Call Us Toll Free
7 Days a Week
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
1-844-226-5162 (TTY: 711).
Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options is an HMO-SNP plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Tufts Health Plan depends on contract renewal. The HMO-SNP is available to anyone who has both MassHealth Standard (Medicaid) and Medicare Parts A and B. Tufts Health Plan Senior Care Options (HMO-SNP) is available to anyone who has MassHealth Standard only. Other eligibility requirements may apply.