2025 Tufts Medicare Preferred
HMO Smart Saver Rx
- $0 Medical Deductible
- Prescription Drug Coverage Included
- $175 Annual Wellness Allowance
- $250 Annual Eyewear Benefit with EyeMed Provider

Tier 1 Drug Costs
Preferred Retail Pharmacy
Non-preferred Retail Pharmacy

Tier 2 Drug Costs
Preferred Retail Pharmacy
Non-preferred Retail Pharmacy

Tier 3 Drug Costs
Preferred Retail Pharmacy
Non-preferred Retail Pharmacy

Tier 4 Drug Costs
Preferred Retail Pharmacy
Non-preferred Retail Pharmacy

Tier 5 Drug Costs
Preferred Retail Pharmacy
Non-preferred Retail Pharmacy

Tier 6 Drug Costs
Preferred Retail Pharmacy
Non-preferred Retail Pharmacy

Coverage Gap Stage
There is no Gap Coverage Stage for this plan's drug coverage. After the Initial Coverage (IC) stage, the members will move on to the Catastrophic Coverage (CC) stage.

Catastrophic Coverage Stage
Once you've spent $2,000 in out-of-pocket prescription costs you are in the Catastrophic Coverage Stage. If you reach the Catastrophic Coverage Stage, you pay nothing for covered Part D drugs and for excluded drugs that are covered under our enhanced benefit.

Covered Insulin Drugs
Part B: $35/month (Other Part B Drugs: up to 20%)
Part D: Your copay for covered insulin will not exceed $35 per 30-day supply regardless of the drug tier. This means that your copay is the Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 copay, or $35 per 30-day supply, whichever is lower.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Your Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum is $5,200. This is the most you will pay in a plan year for covered medical expenses.

Annual Physical Visit
Your Annual Physical visit will cost you $0. You are covered for one Annual Physical each plan year.

Annual Wellness Visit
Your Wellness Visit will cost you $0. You are covered for one Wellness Visit each plan year.

Primary Care Provider (PCP)
$0 per Primary Care Physician (PCP) visit.

Specialist Copay
$40 per Specialist visit.

Routine Vision Exam
Your Annual Routine Vision exam will cost $15. You are covered for Annual Routine Vision exam each plan year.

Routine Hearing Exam
Your Annual Routine Hearing Exam will cost $0. You are covered for one Annual Routine Hearing Exam each plan year.

Laboratory Services
$0 per day for Lab Services, including certain blood, urinalysis and tissue tests. Prior Authorization may be required.

$20 per day. Copay will not apply in addition to office visit or urgent care copay. Prior Authorization may be required.

Diagnostic Procedures
$20 per day. Copay will not apply in addition to office visit or urgent care copay. Prior Authorization may be required.

Diagnostic Radiology Services
Ultrasound: $100 per day. Others: $140 per day. These services generally include computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Prior Authorization may be required.

Outpatient Surgery
Colonoscopies: $0; Other outpatient surgeries (Ambulatory Surgical Center, ASC): $270 per day; Other outpatient surgeries (Non-ASC): $370 per day - for Outpatient Services, medical procedures or tests administered at a medical facility that don't require an overnight stay. Prior Authorization may be required.

Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy
$30 per visit. Physical Therapy often helps in recovering from surgery or injury and can help manage long-term health issues like arthritis. Occupational Therapy helps develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily living and working after an injury or disability. Speech Therapy generally helps manage speech, language, communication and swallowing disorders. Referral from your Primary Care Provider (PCP) is required. Prior authorization may be required.

Cardiovascular Screening
$0 per visit. These screenings and tests help detect conditions that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Cancer Screening (Colorectal, Prostate, Breast)
$0 per visit. These screenings are aimed at detecting cancer before symptoms appear, when treatment is more effective.

Urgent Care
$50 per visit. Urgently needed services are provided to treat a non-emergency, unforeseen medical illness, injury, or condition that requires immediate medical care but, given your circumstances, it is not possible, or it is unreasonable, to obtain services from network providers. Urgent care copayment is NOT waived if admitted inpatient within 1 day.

Emergency Room Visits
Emergency Room visits cost $125 per visit worldwide, and there is no limit to the number of visits in a plan year. Copay waived if admitted to observation or inpatient within 1 day for the same condition.

Inpatient Hospital Coverage
You will pay $380 per day for days 1-5. After day 5 you will pay $0 per day. Prior Authorization may be required.

Ambulance Rides and Services
$350 per one-way trip for medically necessary Ambulance Services. Prior Authorization may be required for non-emergency transportation. Includes worldwide emergency transportation coverage.

$20 per visit. Covers up to 12 visits in 90 days for members with chronic lower back pain. 8 additional visits covered for those demonstrating an improvement. No more than 20 visits administered annually. Referral is required from your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Additional acupuncture services are eligible for reimbursement under your Wellness Allowance.

Calendar Year Maximum
Included with Plan: $2,500 per calendar year

Individual Annual Deductible
Included with Plan: $0

Periodic Oral Evaluation
Included with Plan: $0. Covers two per year.

Comprehensive Oral Exam
Included with Plan: $0. Covers one every 36 months.

Intra Oral Bitewing X-ray (X-rays of Crowns of Teeth)
Included with Plan: $0. Covers two per year.

Intra Oral X-ray - Entire Mouth (Panoramic & Full Mouth)
Included with Plan: 20% coinsurance. Covers one every 60 months.

Single Tooth X-ray Images
Included with Plan: 20% coinsurance. Covered as needed.

Silver Fillings and White Fillings
Included with Plan: 20% coinsurance. Covers one every 24 months per surface, per tooth.

Periodontal Cleaning
Included with Plan: 50% coinsurance. Covers one every 6 months following active periodontal therapy; not to be combined with regular cleanings.

Medicare-covered services plus additional telehealth services. $0 copay for e-visits, virtual visits, and remote patient monitoring with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) or Specialist; For all other telehealth visits, copay is the same as corresponding in-person visit copay.

Hearing Aid Benefit
You are eligible for up to 2 covered hearing aids per year, 1 aid per ear. To be covered, the hearing aids must be on the Hearing Care Solutions formulary and must be purchased through Hearing Care Solutions: $250 copay for Standard level hearing aid; $475 copay for Superior level hearing aid; $650 copay for Advanced level hearing aid; $850 copay for Advanced Plus level hearing aid; $1,150 copay for Premier level hearing aid

Over the Counter (OTC)
$140 per calendar quarter. Members receive an OTC card loaded quarterly with credit to use towards covered OTC items at participating retailers and plan approved online stores. Unused quarterly balances do not rollover. You may also purchase OTC hearing aids using your OTC benefits.

Eyewear Benefit
Up to $250 per year to use at a participating EyeMed provider or up to $150 per year at a non-participating provider. The annual allowance may be used to purchase upgrades for Medicare-covered and/or therapeutic eyewear as well as routine/corrective eyewear.

Weight Management Programs
$150 reimbursement per year for fees related to weight management programs like WeightWatchers and hospital-based programs.

Wellness Allowance
Choose how to stay fit with up to a $175 reimbursement for fees you pay toward joining a health club, fitness class (such as aerobics, Pilates, Tai Chi, or yoga), nutritional counseling sessions and other wellness programs like memory fitness activities. Also included are alternative therapies, massage therapy, fitness tracking devices, and heart rate monitors.
This is a Medicare Advantage plan, also known as Medicare Part C. It provides you with all of your Medicare Part A and B benefits, as well as additional coverage not included in Parts A and B. By paying a monthly premium, you gain consistent co-payments and deductibles and a yearly out-of-pocket spending maximum. Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage is also included as a part of this plan.
You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. If you receive Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits, or Civil Service benefits, your Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) premium is already automatically deducted from your benefit payment.
An HMO plan requires you to choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP) who provides all of your routine treatment for common ailments and illnesses, while also coordinating your overall care. In most cases your PCP will work with a Referral Circle to coordinate your care. A Referral Circle is a network of specialists your PCP has selected to work with due to their expertise in their respective fields. This means that in most cases, you will not have access to the entire Tufts Medicare Preferred HMO network, except in emergency or urgent care situations, or for out-of-area renal dialysis. When your PCP can’t treat a specific illness or condition he or she will refer you to a specialist within this referral circle who can. Your specialists will communicate with your PCP to ensure you receive the right care at the right time.
Rx is an abbreviation for a drug prescription. Plans with "Rx" in their names include prescription drug coverage, plans with "No Rx" in their names do not.
The service area for this plan are: Barnstable, Bristol, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, Hampden, Worcester, or Hampshire Counties.