How to Change Your Doctor

Change your doctor in 3 easy steps
One of the advantages of being a Tufts Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO plan member is having a PCP who coordinates your care and makes sure you get the care that is right for you. If you need to change your PCP, just follow these simple steps:
1. Check the provider directory
To find a new PCP, check the Provider Directory for a PCP in your area. Our Provider Directory lists all the providers in our network. The online version of the Provider Directory has the most up to date information.
2. Make sure the PCP is accepting new patients
The listing for each PCP in the provider directory will tell you if the PCP is “accepting new patients” or “existing patients only."
3. Make the change in your account
Once you choose a new PCP, update your secure online account. In order for you to officially be a patient of your new PCP you need to make the change in your secure account or call Member Services at 1-800-701-9000 (TTY: 711) and let us know.
Don’t have a secure online account? Sign up today and check your claims and referrals, choose to go paperless, pay your premium, and more! Creating a secure account on our website only takes a few minutes.
When does the change begin?
PCP changes will begin the first of the month following your change request. For example, if you change your PCP on March 1, the change will go into effect beginning April 1.
What happens if your PCP retires?
If your PCP retires or leaves the plan, we send a letter to let you know. The letter includes a PCP change form and a return envelope so you can select a new PCP. This letter is generally sent at least 30 days before your PCP leaves the plan, however sometimes certain circumstances prevent us from alerting you 30 days in advance, such as if your PCP passes away unexpectedly.