Use your Wellness Allowance to Stay Healthy and Save!

Active man smiling

Your Wellness Allowance helps you lead a healthy lifestyle and it pays you back! Get $150 ($350 for members in the Tufts Medicare Preferred HMO Saver Rx, Smart Saver Rx, and Access PPO plans) each year1 towards:

Fitness programs

  • Membership in a qualified health or fitness club
  • Fitness classes such as yoga, Pilates, tai chi, and aerobics
  • Matter of Balance program
  • The Arthritis Foundation exercise program
  • Online instructional fitness classes or membership fees for online fitness subscriptions (such as Peloton)
  • NEW– Starting January 1, 2024, you can use your Wellness Allowance benefit for pool-based classes and pool facilities.  

Nutritional programs

  • Nutritional counseling sessions
  • Healthy Eating for Successful Living program

Wellness programs

How to get your reimbursement

The Wellness Allowance Reimbursement Form has all the instructions you need for getting your reimbursement. You can submit several forms during the year that total $150 (or $350 for members in the Tufts Medicare Preferred HMO Saver Rx, Smart Saver Rx, and Access PPO plans), or you can send in one form for up to $150 (or $350 for members in the Tufts Medicare Preferred HMO Saver Rx, Smart Saver Rx, and Access PPO plans). 

Note: You have until March 31, 2024, to submit reimbursement requests for covered purchases made in 2023. 

Need exercise tips?

Everyone can benefit from staying active. Find an exercise plan that's right for you, plus learn more about the types of activities and programs available at fitness centers.

1$150 (or $350 for members of our Smart Saver, Saver Rx, and Access PPO plans) is the total reimbursement amount each year (Jan. 1–Dec. 31) whether used for health clubs, fitness classes, nutritional counseling, or wellness programs.

This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call Member Services at 1-800 -701-9000 (HMO)/ 1-866-623-0172 (PPO) (TTY: 711) for more information.